

We start celebration with Palm Sunday. We go to church with handmade colour palms ( made of flowers, paper, grass and branches) to bless them.


It`s Easter today. Yesterday we blessed in the church basket full of food. Traditionaly we fill the basket with eggs ( pisanki - painted ones) , sausage, bread, salt, horse- radish and add Paschal lamb (Christ is seen as the "Lamb of God.") and decorate it with white lace napkin and branches of boxwood. We went to special very early morning mass called Ressurection Mass. Then we had breakfast with all the family and we started with pieces of blessed Easter eggs and exchanged best wishes. Tomorrow Easter Monday -the most important tradition of this day is Smingus - Dyngus - boys try to drench girls with buckets of water. Nowdays rather a little bit of splash not the whole bucket :-)

Paschal Lamb on the grass 

Easter basket

Easter market at school